Urogynecologists diagnose and treat women who have complex conditions of the pelvic floor. These conditions include urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, vaginal fistulas and congenital anomalies. Urogynecologists have completed three years of specialized training.
Conditions treated
Urogynecologists treat many conditions including:
Urinary incontinence
- Overactive bladder
- Stress urinary incontinence
- Urge urinary incontinence
Pelvic organ prolapse
- Anterior vaginal wall prolapse (cystocele/bladder prolapse)
- Apical vaginal prolapse (enterocele/vaginal vault prolapse)
- Posterior wall prolapse (rectocele)
- Uterine prolapse
- Rectovaginal (rectum/vagina)
- Urethral reconstruction (fistula/diverticulum)
- Vesicocutaneous (bladder/abdominal wall)
- Vesicouterine (bladder/uterus)
- Vesicovaginal (bladder/vagina)
Congenital anomalies
- Imperforate hymen
- Vaginal agenesis
- Vaginal septum
Diagnostic testing
- Complex urodynamic testing
- Cystourethroscopy
- Bladder instillation
Urogynecologists offer a range of treatments for patients, including:
Conservative treatment
- Pelvic floor re-education
- Biofeedback
- Urge suppression drill
- Relaxation techniques
Medical treatment
- Overactive bladder syndrome
- Stress urinary incontinence
- Pessary for prolapse
Surgical treatment
- Vaginal reconstructive surgery
- Abdominal reconstructive surgery
- Laparoscopic reconstructive surgery
- Pubovaginal slings
- Fascial grafts
- Sacral nerve stimulation
- Botulinum toxin injection
Please contact us at (304) 528-4643.